In addition, my website is programmed to assume that each item is it's own shipment; a single gasket is programmed to be 1-2 ounces (depending on size), which takes into account any cardboard protection and the weight of the envelope. The site does not have any way of calculating the true weight when you you order multiple light items that may only be 1-2 ounces.
But don't despair, my company policy is to refund any shipping over-payment great than $1 and I hold true to that!
I won't cover every price here, but I'll hit the highlights.
Domestic First Class Parcel (A huge majority of packages ship this way):
- 1 to 8 ounces: $2.60
- 9 ounces: $3.30
- 10 ounces: $3.35
- 11 ounces: $3.40
- 12 ounces: $3.45
- 13 ounces: $3.50
- *14 ounces: $3.55
- *15 ounces: $3.60
- *16 ounces: $3.65
Domestic Priority Mail now starts @ $7.16 for all but very local zones. Flat rate envelopes will be used where possible to reduce the cost slighltly
International First Class Parcel:
1-8 ounces: $13.75
9 ounces - 2 pounds: $22.75
This is an interesting pricing structure, that makes a larger international order far more economical than 1 or 2 items.
I do apologize for having to pass these increases on to all of you, but I do not charge any markup for packaging, packing materials or handling: what you pay will be the cost of the package.