Who knows how many of these infamous "blue" coils have been thrown away over the years. The Wico/Prestolite electronic ignition coil was famous for having spark one day and none the next. In many cases, these coils can be returned to operating condition by baking at a moderate temperature. I know it sounds weird, but 12-16 hours in a toaster oven at 200' can bring these coils back to life. My personal theory is that moisture can work it's way into the coil around the lamination legs and eventually condensate and short out the coil. Baking the coil will remove this moisture and usually return it to operational condition. The few sellers on Ebay that have a Super EZ/XL-1 coil for sale are asking in excess of $200, so it's worth trying to fix your old one! The same is true of the Super XL & XL-12; while those coils aren't priced quite as high, the aftermarket coil from Stens has been discontinued, so what's out there is what we all have to work with.
If you have any of these coils laying around, please contact me as I will buy them and attempt to restore them. I'd like to make my store source for these coils at a REASONABLE price!